Objective: To observe characteristic of gene transcription of ABCtransporter family in tumorous tissue in H22 tumor-bearing mice with different syndromes.
目的:观察不同证候h 22荷瘤小鼠肿瘤组织abc转运蛋白家族基因表达的特征。
ABCG2 is a half ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter that facilitates efflux of a wide variety of substrates ranging from natural products to synthetic anticancer drugs.
A BCG2是半ATP结合盒转运体。它可以转运内源性物质和人工合成的抗肿瘤药物等多种底物。
The mechanism of multidrug resistance is vary, while much attention was paid on the expression of ABC(ATP binding cassette) transporter.