释义 |
1 ?涂料磨机 ... 桨式搅拌器 paddle stirrer 涂料磨机 paint mill 涂料混合器 paint mixer ...
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The main products : glasscutter, glass driller, cutting machine, portable edging, diamond mill wheel, buff wheel, glass paint, shadowless glue, glass clip and advertisement nail etc. 主要产品:玻璃刀、玻璃钻头、异形切割台、手提磨边机、金刚石磨轮、抛光轮、玻璃专用漆、无影胶水、夹胶胶水、玻璃夹、广告钉等产品。 - 2
Removal of loose rust, loose mill scale and loose paint by power tool chipping, decaling, sanding, wire brushing and grinding to a specified degree. 用电动工具削、磨、刷去不牢固的锈迹、氧化皮、漆皮,以达到指定等级。 - 3
Mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter are removed.