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油污残渣 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?石油污染残留 ... oil pollution residue 石油污染残留 oil shale residue 油页岩废渣 oil cake oil residue 油渣 ...
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To make rational use of industrial waste materials and reduce pollution, and to supply the substitute fuel for oil fired furnace, the writers have developed a new type liquid fuel Still Residue. 为了合理地利用工业废料减少污染,同时也为燃料油供应量减少的工业油炉提供代用燃料,开发了一种新型液态燃料——黑脚。 - 2
Presently, sesamin is extracted from sesame oil, the process is complex, and the product has the problems of unstable quality, high chemical residue, serious pollution and high cost. 目前,芝麻素都是从芝麻油中提取,工艺比较复杂,产品质量不稳定,化学残留多,污染严重,成本较高。 - 3
The main pollution sources are coal combustion, traffic emission, the residue of oil or mineral combustion and burning emission which accounts for 44.0%, 31.0% 19.9% and 4.7% of SVOCs, respectively. 整个南京地区的大气颗粒物中半挥发性有机物的主要污染源为燃煤源、交通排放源、燃油及矿物燃料残留物排放源、焚烧源,其贡献率分别为:44.0%、31.0%、19.9%、4.7%。