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山苍子油 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?山苍子油 苍子油 中文名称:山苍子油英文名称:oil of Litsea cubeba其他名称:木姜子油定义:由樟科植物山鸡椒的果皮经水蒸气蒸馏而得的精油。淡黄色至橘黄色液体。主要成分为柠檬醛(60%~90%),其余为香叶醇、香叶酯、柠檬烯等。山 2 ?供应山苍子油 免责声明:供应山苍子油(oil of Litsea cubeba)信息来源于会员自行提供,但不能保证信息的真实性,仅供参考. 3 ?木姜子油 ... 莎稗磷;阿罗津,anilofos, 鲨肝醇,batiol, 山苍子油;木姜子油,oil of Litsea cubeba; oil of mountain sp ...
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In this paper, method of PEG-20M and OV-101 Stainless Capilliary Column on GC-MS is adopted to analyse and study the chemical components of essential oil of Litsea cubeba Pers. in Jiangxi province. 本文介绍用PEG - 20 M、OV - 101毛细管柱分离,以气相色谱与质谱联用检测的方法对我省山苍子精油的化学成分进行分析研究。 - 2
The result was as the following: the extracting rate of Litsea Cubeba oil was enhanced by ultrasonic, Litsea Cubeba oil has a great effect on the elimination of free radical. 实验结果表明,超声波法可以提高山苍子油的得率,此外山苍子粗油具有较好的抗氧化作用,可以有效的清除羟自由基、超氧自由基。 - 3
The results showed that the extracting rate of Litsea Cubeba oil was enhanced by ultrasonic, and Litsea Cubeba oil has a great effect on the elimination of free radical. 实验结果表明,超声波法可以提高山苍子油的得率,山苍子粗油可以有效清除羟自由基、超氧自由基。