释义 |
1 ?香柠檬油 ... Oenin chloride氯化锦葵色素-3-β-葡糖苷 Oil of bergamot香柠檬油 Oil of cajeput白千层油 ...
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If all goes well, when the harvest ends in mid-March, the region's 2,300 hectares of bergamot groves will have yielded 24,000 tonnes of fruit, to produce around 120 tonnes of oil. 如果一切顺利,等到三月中旬采摘结束时,该地区的2300公顷的香柠檬树能收成24000吨果实,产生的油达120吨左右。 - 2
If all goes well, when the harvest ends in mid-March, the region's 2, 300 hectares of bergamot groves will have yielded 24, 000 tonnes of fruit, to produce around 120 tonnes of oil. 如果一切顺利,到三月中旬采摘完毕的时候,这一带两千三百公顷的佛手柑林,将采到两万四千吨果子,产生的佛手柑油达120吨。 - 3
Though their variety seems endless, one thing that many of these gifts have in common is that they contain bergamot oil. 尽管香水的总类看似无穷无尽,但他们有一个共同点,那就是许多香水中都含有香柠檬油。