....2.1.2对可预见损失赔偿原则的规定之研究 英国对可预见损失赔偿原则的规定: 主审哈德利(Hadley)诉巴克森戴尔 (Baxendale)一案的英国理财法院法官阿尔德松(Alderson)于1854年在该案的 判词中第一次对完全赔偿原则进行了限制,并对可预见损失赔偿原则进...
... 标签: John Landry 地址说明: Rd 街道地址: Baxendale ...
海伦·班克塞恩德利 ; 海伦·巴克山代 ; 班克塞恩德利
This doubled shortly after, when a speculative shot squeezed past the impressive goaltender, Adam Baxendale.
BBC: Blackburn Hawks suffer Lions loss
Others stranded after the heavy snowfall were taken in by local minister Georgina Baxendale.
BBC: Church to Motherwell staff's rescue
Lancashire Police said Baxendale had acted as "lookout" during the robbery and did not enter the property.
BBC: Blackpool's Donna's Dream House fire: Two youths detained