释义 |
1 [物]?振荡周期 ... 重复单元;结构单元;重复结构单元;链节;恒等周期;repeating unit;identity…… 振荡周期;oscillating period 反应堆周期;reactor period ... 2 ?振动周期 ... pilot,先导阀 oscillating period,振动周期 parasitic echo,干扰反射波 ...
- 1
The oscillating is strong as the applied field increases with shorter oscillating period. - 2
The oscillating period decreased with increasing, the electron-LO-phonon coupling strength, and it showed that the existence of phonon resulted in decreasing the coherence of qubit. 振荡周期随耦合强度增大而减小,说明声子将导致量子比特相干性降低; - 3
I simply go to this equation, and I want to know what the period is of this rod, of this oscillating rod. 我只需要带去这个等式,我想知道这跟,摆动杆的周期。