释义 |
振动与 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?随 nystagmus的医药专业中文词条翻译 ... divergence nystagmus 释义:分离性眼球震颤,分开性眼震 oscillating nystagmus 释义:振动性眼球震颤 optokinetic nystagmus 释义:视旋转性眼球震颤,视动性眼球震颤 ...
- 1
They reach you, your eardrum starts to oscillate with the same frequency and you hear that tone. 你们听到声音,你的鼓膜以相同频率,开始震动,然后听到我的音调。 - 2
They reach you, your eardrum starts to oscillate with the same frequency and you hear that tone. 你们听到声音,你的鼓膜以相同频率,开始震动,然后听到我的音调。 - 3
The analyses and calculations show that the intensity of spot, spot size and sidelobe intensity oscillate with the thickness of the film. 分析和计算指出,光斑的强度、边瓣强度和光斑大小随薄膜的厚度发生振荡。