释义 |
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The explosion, believed to be a car bomb, left a ten-foot crater in the street. 这次爆炸,据说是一个汽车炸弹引起的,在街道上留下了一个10英尺的大坑。 - 2
But there was no bomb crater, indicating the strike may have been carried out by a helicopter gunship, or that it had been strafed by a fighter jet. 但那里没有弹坑,说明可能是直升机火力造成的,也有可能是被战斗机低空扫射造成的。 - 3
The bomb crater, near a smallholding on the outskirts of Tripoli, was very small and there was much less collateral damage than from other bombs I have seen in recent weeks. 被炸的弹坑在靠近黎波里郊外的一个小农场,弹坑很小,与我过去几周看过的其他轰炸相比,不会造成大的附带伤害。