释义 |
1 ?百黛菲俪 百黛菲俪(PEERESS),让我们一起创造不曾有过的奇迹,斯托尔特称:从此美白:隶属于美国空军第55飞行编队。想变美。 2 ?有爵位的妇女 ... 有卷发的ringleted 有爵位的妇女peeress 有决心determined ... 3 ?贵族夫人 peerage,(全体)贵族,贵族阶级,贵族地位 peeress,贵族夫人,有爵位的妇女 peerless,出类拔萃的,无可匹敌的,-less就是“没有”的,比如sleepless失眠;peerless字面是没有和你一样par-的,... 4 ?贵族爵位 ... 授予爵位 ennoble 贵族爵位 peerage ; British Peerage ; Peeress ; British nobleman 接受爵位 acceptarankofnobility ...
- 1
The rank, title, or jurisdiction of a peer or peeress; a duchy, marquisate, county, viscountcy, or barony. - 2
I smiled as I unfolded it, and devised how I would tease you about your aristocratic tastes, and your efforts to masque your plebeian bride in the attributes of a peeress. 我打开面纱,会心地笑了笑,算计着我怎样来嘲弄你的贵族派头,取笑你费尽心机要给你的平民新娘戴上贵族的假面。