释义 |
皮指数 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The activities of the browning index of peel were correlated positively with AAO, PPO and POD, correlated negatively CAT activity. POD活性与果皮褐变指数呈正相关性,CAT活性与果皮褐变指数呈负相关性。 - 2
Fruit oval, shape index, 1.35, peel green have green rack band. 果实椭圆形,果形指数1.35,果皮绿色彩,上有墨绿色彩齿条带。 - 3
This paper introduces a new copper foil adhesive for bakelite paper laminate. The adhesive raises the comparative tracking index (CTI), proof welding, peel strength of the laminate. 本文介绍了一种新的覆铜板铜箔胶粘剂,应用于酚醛纸板上,具有较高的耐漏电起痕性;