释义 |
- 已缴费保险:指已经支付了全部保费的保险,保险公司将按照已缴费的保额为投保人承担保险责任。
1 ?缴清保险 ...单利益: 退保金 缴清保险(Paid-up insurance) 展期保险(Extend Term) 支撑自动垫缴保费条款 1 缴清保险(Paid-up insurance) 原保单改成缴清保险:保险责任、期限不变,依据保单解约 时的现金价值确定出减少了的保额,保额由现金价值确定。 2 ?清缴保险 (iv) 清缴保险( Paid-up insurance):如果保单所有人不 能或不愿再缴付任何保费,除退保外,他可选择 3 ?已付款保险 ... 付款保证书 guarantee of due payment; payment guarantee 已付款保险 paid-up insurance 还款保证书,退款担保,退款保函 repayment guarantee ... 4 ?保费已付足的人寿保险单 ... own insurance自己保险, 本身保险 paid-up insurance保费已付足的人寿保险单 parcel post insurance邮包保险 ...
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Last time we made a claim on our insurance, they paid up really quickly. - 2
Prices for gasoline, electricity, and passenger vehicle insurance premiums went up, and consumers also paid more for homeowner's replacemennt costs. 汽油,电力,客运车辆保险金额的价格都上升了,还有消费者对房屋的重置成本也提高了。 - 3
And so has grown up a whole industry to counteract the criminals: firms offering kidnap and ransom insurance, highly paid negotiators, lawyers, and security personnel. 绑架事件的商业化催生了一个对抗犯罪分子的行业。这个行业中成员不仅包括提供绑架勒索保险的公司,也包括收取高额费用的谈判人员、律师和保安人员。