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1 ?书页岩 ... front-page适合第一版的, 重要的, 轰动的 page stone书页岩 page break分页符 ...
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We first meet the Judge on page 6: an enormous man, bald as a stone, no trace of a beard, and eyes without either brows or lashes. 法官首次出现在第6页:一个大块头,顽石般的秃头,胡子刮得一痕不留,眼睛上既没有眉毛也没有睫毛。 - 2
The gems handle the requests and run the code, and they stash objects in the page cache for speed and in the stone for persistence. gems用来处理请求并执行代码,它们将对象贮存在页面缓存中以加速,并放入stone中以持久化。 - 3
Each face, each stone of the venerable monument, is a page not only of the history of the country, but of the history of science and art as well. 这座可敬的纪念性建筑的每一面、每块石头,都不仅载入了我国的历史,而且载入了科学史和艺术史。