释义 |
1 [自]?非均衡系统 ... nonequilibrium state,非平衡态 nonequilibrium system,非均衡系统 nonlinear characteristics,非线性特性 ... 2 ?非均衡体系 ... nonequilibrium state,非平衡态 nonequilibrium system,非均衡体系 nonlinear characteristics,非线性特征 ...
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Some problems in agro-system with the self-organization theory of nonequilibrium system, which belongs to dissipative structure theory, were discussed in this paper. 本文运用其中的非平衡系统的自组织理论,结合农业系统中的一些问题进行了讨论。 - 2
It shows that the macroscopic entropy production in a nonequilibrium system is caused by spatially stochastic and inhomogeneous departure from equilibrium of the number density of micro-states. 指明非平衡系统的宏观熵产生是由其微观状态数密度在空间随机地不均匀离开平衡引起的。 - 3
On the basis of this paper, the model of the nonequilibrium system has been standardized. The dissipative condition of the critical reference state in nonequilibrium phase transform is analysed. 本文在非平衡系统规格化模型的基础上,分析了非平衡相变临界参考态的耗散情况。