释义 |
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On the contrary, historical sites are the memory of our country's glorious past, which can enable citizens' identity with the nation. 相反,历史遗迹承载着我们国家光辉的过去,可以增强公民对于国家的认同感。 - 2
On the contrary, historical sites are the memory of our country’s glorious past, which can enable citizens’ identity with the nation. 相反,历史遗迹承载着我们国家光辉的过去,可以增强公民对于国家的认同感。 - 3
"There now!" exclaimed the stranger; "it is our nature to desire a monument, be it slate or marble, or a pillar of granite, or a glorious memory in the universal heart of man." “现在,”陌生人宣布“这是我们的天性来的,都希望拥有一个丰碑,无论是石头的大理石,或者一个花岗岩柱,或者在无形中永驻人民心中。