... 委外加工 work in process - outsourced; work in process-outsourced 海外加工出口工业offshore industry 机外加工,机外处理 off -machine processing ...
...stockroom ? (名) 仓库; 商品陈列室, 样品室; 贮藏室 offshore industry ? 离岸产业 Women without attraction consider men playboys while powerless men think women are realistic.
DELAY (ms) ? 延迟 (毫秒) offshore industry ? 离岸业 Simple, Open, Kind, Nice, Just someone that likes to share the good and bad times.
... be diffent from ? 可从不同 offshore industry ? 近海产业 acute and short-term toxicity studies ? 深刻和短期毒力研究 ...
It is known that noise pollution from offshoreindustry, shipping and sonar can impair underwater communication, but can it really drive whales onto our beaches?