释义 |
- vt.使成为孤儿(orphan 的现在分词)
1 ?成为孤儿 ... 成为伙伴的 = partnered 成为孤儿 = orphaning 成为孤儿的 = orphaned ...
- 1
I'm not sure why, but the folks over at Disney seem to really relish the idea of orphaning children. 搞不清为什么,但好像迪斯尼那帮家伙实在是很钟情于孤儿。 - 2
Because of queue partitioning, there are potential issues related to workload balancing, order of message processing, and orphaning of messages. 由于存在分区,因此可能会发生与工作负载平衡、消息处理顺序和孤立消息相关的潜在问题。 - 3
However, because of the partitioned destinations, there are potential issues related to workload balancing, order of message processing, and orphaning of messages. 但是,由于目的地是分区的,因此可能会发生与工作负载平衡、消息处理顺序和孤立消息相关的潜在问题。