释义 |
- n.部分交换:在购买新产品时,将旧产品作为部分支付,以降低新产品的购买成本。常用于购买汽车、房产等。
- abstract:
1 Partex Oil and Gas (Holdings) Corporation is an oil company which is fully owned by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, from Lisbon, Portugal.
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Like he may say that he took a friend out for shopping, but he may just omit the part where his "friend" is actually his ex-girlfriend. 例如他会说,我和一个朋友逛街去了。但是至于是他的哪一个朋友,他就略去了,实际上是他的前女友! - 2
But it won't be part of the ex-office block experience, will it? 但你不会在租住办公大楼的学校里享受这种经历,不是吗? - 3
The case ex: syntax you see in Listing 8 is part of another Scala construct, the match expression, which is used for pattern matching in Scala. 清单8中所示的case ex:语法是另一个Scala结构(匹配表达式)的一部分,该表达式用于Scala中的模式匹配。