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1 [机]?摩擦角 答: 摩擦角 (angle of friction)就是两 构件开始相对滑动的瞬间在接触点上的总反力和其公法线间所夹的角度。 2 ?静摩擦角 ... angle of elevation仰角 angle of friction静摩擦角; 极限角 angle of greatest slope最大斜率的角 ... 3 ?极限角 ... angle of elevation仰角 angle of friction静摩擦角; 极限角 angle of greatest slope最大斜率的角 ...
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Results show that degree of compaction, compaction water content and saturation state of compacted soil have influence on cohesion and Angle of friction of clay, thereby on the shear strength of clay. 试验表明,压实度、压实含水量及土体饱和状态对粘聚力和内摩擦角有影响,从而使抗剪强度也受到三因素的影响。 - 2
If indeed the friction coefficient is independent of surface area, then when I tilt them they should start to slide roughly at the same Angle. 若摩擦系数真的,与接触面积没有关系,那么两者下滑时的角度,应该基本相当。 - 3
It is fairly easy to measure a friction coefficient by putting an object on an incline and by changing the angle of the incline, increasing it This is the angle alpha. 测量摩擦系数有一种简单方法,把物体放置在斜面上,然后不断增加斜面的倾斜度,这是角α