The downpours dislodged hillsides which enveloped houses, hotels, roads and churches in a sea of mud in the resort towns of Teresópolis, Nova Friburgo and Petrópolis, killing at least 270 people.
在休閒胜地Teresópolis, Nova Friburgo和Petrópolis城镇,倾盆大雨造成山坡地移位,房屋、旅馆、公路和教堂倾倒在大量泥浆里,至少270人丧生(译注:迄一月十四日,已造成至少500人丧生)。
More recently Rio’s rich have done the same, carving weekend palaces from the sheer granite walls and dense forests shouldering towns with noble names like Petrópolis, Teresópolis and Nova Friburgo.