... 弗洛里亚诺波利斯 Florianopolis 彼得罗波利斯 Petropolis 斯坎瑞玛 Saquarema ...
... 用户名: Paulo 位置: petropolis 语言: Português (Portuguese) ...
...riodepetropolis”9月21日报道,佩特罗波利斯旅游局的秘书玛丽斯洛·瓦伦特(Marislo Valente)指出,佩特罗波利斯(Petropolis)是一座非常适宜旅游的城市,这座城市被群山环绕,拥有各种美食和活动,住宿条件和自然风光能满足所有游客的需求。
The area around Petropolis has seen deadly landslides before - 900 people were killed in an incident in 2011.
BBC: Rains cause deadly landslides in Petropolis, Brazil
The landslides hit the city of Petropolis, about 40 miles (65km) north of Rio, after a river burst its banks and flooded the city centre.
The case was considered a rarity and the procedure to remove it was unheard of in the city of Petropolis, just outside of Rio de Janeiro.
CNN: Woman survives after harpoon shooting by husband