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掉……螺母 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
If you try it, bite or clip off the rind of the nut, then chew it like gum — don't swallow it and be sure to spit out the juice, otherwise you're likely to get sick to your stomach. 如果你愿意尝尝的话,要先咬掉或者剪掉槟榔壳,然后像嚼口香糖一样咀嚼槟榔。别咽下去,而且一定要把槟榔汁吐出来,要不然你的胃可能会不舒服。 - 2
"I took a pan to a red telephone kiosk down the road, sat on it, hoping and praying no one would come along and take me off to a nut house," he said. 他说:“我带坐便器去另外一个路边红色电话亭,坐在上面,心里默默祈祷千万别有人过来,把我送进精神病院。” - 3
There’s no question that using exfoliants, such as scrubs that contain sugar or ground nut shells to slough off dead surface layers, can indeed reveal softer, healthier-looking skin. 使用去角质产品肯定是正确的,比如含砂糖和花生壳的磨砂膏确实可以去除老化的表皮层,让皮肤重新变得柔嫩而焕发光彩。