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1 ?取向指数 BX2型激光衍射仪测红细胞的取向指数(orientation index, OI)。 1.2.3 红细胞膜流动性测定 取血后, 肝素抗凝, 离心, 取沉淀部分用低渗Tris缓冲... 2 ?晶向指数 推而2) 晶向指数(orientation index) ① 以晶胞的三个棱边为坐标轴 x、y、z,以棱边长度(即晶格常数)作为坐标轴的长度② 通过坐标原点作一与所求晶向平行的另一晶向;... 3
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The surface orientation index reduces by 1.5%, and the microcrystalline dimension also decreases, and the active carbon atoms of carbon fiber surface increase by 78%. 表面取向指数减小了1.5%,表面微晶尺寸减小,表面活性碳原子数增加了78%。 - 2
In this article, the principle and application of a new kind of instrument used to test the tensile stiffness index and fibre orientation distribution on a paper sheet were introduced. 本文介绍了一种用于实验室检测纸页纤维定向结构的新型仪器,分析了该仪器的基本原理、主要用途及对纸页抗张挺度检测的意义。 - 3
So the important basis that the dissection structure of the poplar timber can be cultivated as the index, seed selection breeding and orientation of appraising the poplar material, quality. 因此杨树木材的解剖结构可以作为评价杨树材性、品质的指标和选种育种及定向培育的重要依据。