... campimeter 释义:(平面)视野计 perimeter paper 释义:视野计用纸 flicker perimeter 释义:闪光视野计 ...
It needs to reconsider its perimeter to address a critical issue: the Paper of Record is now challenged; it must morph into the Permanent Media of Record, online and offline.
This scenario is being pondered by Adrian Kent of the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, in a paper on the arXiv titled, suitably, "Too Damned Quiet?
这一情景是加拿大安大略省滑铁卢圆周理论物理研究院的艾德里安·肯特(Adrian Kent )在一篇论文里提出来的。
The paper researches and develops high voltage of the perimeter wire net monitor, the alarm system, the goal lies in the realization human nature management.