释义 |
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Stop you move forward, not one hundred stone on the road of life, but that a pebble in your shoe. 阻止你前行的,不是人生道路上的一百块石头,而是你鞋子里的那一颗石子。 - 2
And what I do is, I select a hard stone hammer, in this case a quartzite pebble about the size of a cricket ball, and I elect to hit it in one place - and this is where I start to knap. 我要做的就是,选择一块够硬的石锤,这次我选这块是个头有板球大小的石英岩卵石。先挑个地方锤下去,接着我就开始从这地方开始凿了。 - 3
Natural art stone in Shaanxi Province can be divided into different categories, such as jade, pebble, water-washed and fossilized stones. 陕西省观赏石资源分为单矿物玉石类、岩石玉类、卵石与水冲石及古生物化石四大类。