释义 |
梨番茄 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?梨果番茄 ... oblong tomato 梨形番茄; 椭圆番茄 paste tomato 圣女果,小西红柿 pear tomato 梨果番茄 ...
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The team analysed tomato, apple, plum, peach, pear, grape and apricot waste such as the skin, revealing them all to be good sources of antioxidants. 研究小组在对废弃的番茄,苹果,李子,桃,梨,葡萄,杏分析后表明,这些果皮都是抗氧化剂的较好资源。 - 2
Instead of Tetra Paks one could buy 3-liter jars with tomato, apple, pear or birch juice. 同利乐包装不同的是,人们可以买到3升装的西红柿,苹果,梨子或是桦树汁罐头。 - 3
Vegetables, such as cucumber, tomato, watercress and celery and fruits that include watermelon, pear and strawberry are top recommendations. 蔬菜类如黄瓜、西红柿、西洋菜和芹菜,水果类如西瓜、梨子和草莓等都是首选。