n. 燃烧器;烧嘴;炉子(burner的复数)
n. 裸露;赤裸
介 城市中文名称: 城市英文名称:Burness 州或国家代码:CA (US) 国家中文名:美国 国家英文名:United States 纬度:36°46'00.00"N 经度:119°39'00.00"W
... 名字: Mc Bain 姓: Burness 标签: Burness A Mc Bain ...
Burness and Paull and Williamsons, which have offices across Scotland, are to join forces in December.
BBC: Law firms Burness and Paull and Williamsons to merge
Donkeys "have no one to champion them, " said Ms. Burness, Lady Herries's secretary, who helps care for the animals.
WSJ: Hee Haw! Donkeys Get Last Laugh As One Greek Tragedy Ends Happily
Burness Paull and Williamsons will see Philip Rodney take up the role of chairman, with Ian Wattie named as managing partner.