... 按产品特征分类||classification by product characteristics 按产品型组织||organization by product 按产业部门分类的就业||employment by industry ...
...结构类型 ? 功能性组织(organization by function) & 企业广告部门的组织结构类型 ? 产品性组织(organization by product) A B 企业广告部门的组织结构类型 ? 市场性组织(organization by market ) Contractor 企业广告部门的组织结构类型 ? 媒体性...
In other words, the CTO felt that by focusing on the internal processes for each area of the development lifecycle, the organization could achieve higher levels of product quality.
These trust-based relationships create value in your organizationby allowing you to get the right information sooner to deliver the right product faster.