释义 |
1 ?噪声测试器 ... noise-measuring equipment 噪声测量设备 noise-meter 噪声测试器,噪声级表,噪声计,噪音计 noise modulated 噪音调制的 ... 2 ?噪音表 ... 无线电台噪声计 radio noise meter 噪音表,噪声计,噪声测试器 noise-meter 计权 weighting ...
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You find that with any existing simple "noise-meter", vehicles which are judged to be equally noisy may show considerable difference on the meter. 你会发现,使用任何现有的简单“噪音表”,被判定为发出同样大小噪音的车辆,在表上可能显示出相当大的差异。 - 2
It's little more than a fancy small-scale version of a Scientology e-meter, a gadget that picks up on noise in the environment. 它比山达基教精美的小型电子测量仪强那么一点,这个小仪器可以检测环境中的噪音。 - 3
It's little more than a fancy small-scale version of a Scientology e-meter, a gadget that picks up on noise in the environment and makes a needle on a dial wiggle. 它比山达基教漂亮的小型电子测量仪强那么一点也是一个用来拾取四周环境中的噪声信号然后让指针跟着摆动的小玩意。