释义 |
无故障的生活 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?无故障的工作期限 ... 无故障的, 防止出故障的 fail-proof 无故障的工作期限 no-failure life 无故障的工作业务 unfailing service ... 2
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You should desire, this can save all the pain, sorrow, struggle and make painstaking efforts to avoid all misery of failure, but your life there is no joy, no happiness, you want to be happy? 那么你就该清心寡欲,这就就能免去一切痛苦,忧愁,避开一切呕心沥血的搏斗和失败的苦恼,然而你的生活也就无所谓欢乐,无所谓幸福,你想快乐吗? - 2
"No child left behind is a dismal failure. how can we create a real education act, with proper funding, to make students creative, life-long learners instead of teaching to a test?" (education)? 不让任何一个孩子落后已经是一个巨大的失败,我们怎样才能建立一个真正具有适当资金、是我们的学生具有创造性、并且是终身学习而不是应付考试的教育法案? - 3
No matter how many times of failure, to face life, full of hope.