假如你用不上ATM机,那么太阳门四周会有许多钱币兑换所(bureaux de change),汇率的确是敲骗财抢劫,开门营业时间还出格晚。
外币兑换(Bureaux de Change)在邮局的多网点,他们就成为了英国最大的外币供应商。他们持续被评选为“最佳外汇兑换点”。
大城镇的银行和货币兑换处(bureaux de change) 可以帮您兑换现金和旅游支票。我们建议您去内地旅游的时候随身携带现金,因为信用卡只能在坎帕拉的部分地区使用。
基督城机场设有货币兑换处(Currency Exchange),在市中心也有货币兑换点(Bureaux de Change)。
Remember: Banks and bureaux de change will not accept any of your coins - and never have.
BBC: Q&A: Euro cash in the UK
So, this month, the finance minister announced a clampdown on the black market: all bureaux de change are to be shut.
ECONOMIST: The pros and cons of opting out of the global economy
First of all, ATMs are your friends while bureaux de change are generally your enemies, as their rates are often very poor.
BBC: Travel money: When is the best time to buy?