Wisdom_bible_Ch_13_.html ... ... 因为,从受造物的伟大和美丽,人可以推想到这些东西的创造者。 5For the grandeur and beauty of creatures lead us to ponder on their Author, greater and more magnificent. 不过,这种人的罪尚较轻微,因为,他们寻找天主,也有意找到,却一时误入了迷途; 6No doubt these men are not to be blamed severely, for possibly they strayed though they searched for God and desired to find him. 这或许是由于他们所见的世物实在美丽,因此在专务研究他的工程时,只追求外表; 7They pondered over the created things that surrounded them and were captivated by the sight of such beauty. ...