释义 |
burden of producing evidence 1 ?提出证据责任 美国民事诉讼中的举证责任(Burden of proof)和提出证据责任(Burden of producing evidence)是不同的概念,必须分清这两种责任。 2 ?举证责任 关键词 〕 医疗侵权诉讼 ; 举证责任 ; 证明责任 [gap=520]Key Words: medical malpractice litigation; burden of producing evidence; burden of proof 3 ?提供证据的责任 提供证据的责任(burden of producing evidence),又被称为推进诉讼的责任(the burden ofputting forwardwith evidence),是指在诉讼中当事人提供证据,说服法官将案件递交陪审团的... 4 ?举证负担 举证负担 ( the burden of producing evidence ),即是当事人对自己提出的主张,必须提出相应证据的负担。
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In order to resolve the above contradiction, the burden of proof was divided into the burden of producing evidence and the burden of persuasion. 为了解决这一矛盾,证明责任开始分化为提供证据责任与说服责任。 - 2
Burden of producing evidence and burden of persuasion in the Anglo-American law system and subjective burden and objective burden are different, strictly speaking. 英美法系的提出证据责任、说服责任和大陆法系的主观证明责任、客观证明责任,严格来说,存在区别不能简单等同。 - 3
The right of evidential investigation of lawyers is a burden of producing evidence while it is a burden of adducing evidence for the prosecution party to prove guilty. 律师的调查取证权在性质上是举证责任,控诉方的调查取证权性质上是证明责任。