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您要找的是不是: alludevi. 暗指,转弯抹角地说到;略为提及,顺便提到 - 1
The couple, from Millburn, N.J., did the usual library outings, as well as daily read-alouds, sometimes for as long as two hours. 这对住在新泽西密尔本市的夫妇通常会带两个女儿参加当地图书馆举办的活动,也会每天花两小时大声阅读。 但自从去年七月家里开了一个书评博客(拉泰纳帮家庭书评会)后,事情就变得不一样了。 - 2
There are lots of events, including craft workshops, musicals, Japanese children's songs called "warabe-uta" in Japanese, and picture book read-alouds. 为孩子们都漫画书啦,还有朗诵儿歌、演音乐剧、手工制作等的趣味活动。