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1 ?皮江法 采用硅铁还原氧化镁生产金属镁的工艺有Pidgeon工艺(皮江法)和Magnetherm工艺。皮江法工艺属于外热法,马格内姆工艺属于内热法,根据生产的连续性又分为间歇式和半连式。 2 ?皮江 一种典型的硅热还原炼镁方法,因是加拿大冶金学家皮江(Pidgeon)于1941年发明的,故称“皮江法”。 3 ?名字 ... 所属州: VT 名字: Pidgeon 姓: Faye ... 4 ?表演者 ... 唱片名: From Gutter With Love 表演者: Pidgeon 出版者: Absolutely Kosher ...
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With Taylor, Sinatra, Pidgeon and Peck? - 2
Mary: Well there was Robert Taylor, Frank Sinatra, Walter Pidgeon and Gregory Peck. 玛丽:哦,有罗伯特·泰勒、弗兰克·西纳特拉、沃尔特?皮约翰和格利·高里·派克。 - 3
Various industrial methods are used to extract magnesium, ranging from an electrolytic process to a high temperature method called the Pidgeon process, but the energy cost is high. 从电解法到高温皮金法,用了各种工业工序提取镁,但其能源成本十分高昂。