释义 |
1 ?检拾探针 ... 检索处事,营业 Retrieval Service 检拾探针 Pick-Up Probe 检入、检出成果 Check in and check out ... 2 ?传感器探头 ... pick-up plow 悬挂式犁,键式犁 pick-up probe 传感器探头,接收探头 pick-up roller 捡拾辊,捡拾滚筒 ... 3 ?接收探测头 ... magnetic pick up 磁性传感器,磁性读出... pick-up probe 接收探测头,接收探测... live pick-up 直接录声,室内摄影...
- 1
The surgeon would pick up his instruments, probe, repair, and stitch up again. - 2
If they do not guess correctly, they pick up their probe and try another place. - 3
“It’s a lot cheaper to go pick it up on the ground than to send a space probe to go get it, ” says the director of the NASA Ames Research Center, Simon “Pete” Worden. 美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心的主管西蒙·皮特·沃登说:“从地球表面拾掇陨石可比发送航空探测器去太空搜集样本省钱多了。”