释义 |
- 挑剔地批评:对某人或某事进行严格、细致的批评,挑出其中的错误或不足之处。
1 ?切成碎片 ... cut to pieces 切成碎片 击溃 议论[批评]某人, 把(某人)批评得体无完肤 pick to pieces 切成碎片 击溃 议论[批评]某人, 把(某人)批评得体无完肤 fall to pieces 跌得粉碎 完全坏了 瓦解 ... 2 ?严厉批评 严厉批评(pick to pieces), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 3 ?击溃 ... cut to pieces 切成碎片 击溃 议论[批评]某人, 把(某人)批评得体无完肤 pick to pieces 切成碎片 击溃 议论[批评]某人, 把(某人)批评得体无完肤 fall to pieces 跌得粉碎 完全坏了 瓦解 ... 4 ?把…撕开 ... pick out of the carpet从地毯上捡起来 pick to pieces把…撕开,把…批驳得体无完肤 pick shirt to pieces把衬衣撕开 ...
- 1
You cannot live your children's lives for them; you can only be there to pick up the pieces when things go wrong. - 2
She reached down to pick them up, and quickly realized there were many more tiny pieces than she could deal with. 她伸手把它们捡起来,很快就意识到有很多小碎片她无法处理。 - 3
She was also there to help me pick up the pieces, if I ever needed help.