释义 |
1 ?参宿一 让火焰星云发光的真正原因,是位星云上方的参宿一(Alnitak),它是猎人腰带星中最东边的那一颗。它所发出的高能辐射照入火焰星云里,把云气中氢气的. 2 3 ?尼他克 如果我们以下方的两颗,尼他克(ALNitak)和尼兰(AL
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WISE's infrared eye, however, can see past the glow to capture the nebula's dust, which is also being warmed by light from Alnitak. WISE的红外眼,可以透过发光体捕捉到星云的尘埃,这些尘埃也由于参宿一发光而升温。 - 2
Below the frame center and just to the right of Alnitak lies the Horsehead nebula, a dark indentation of dense dust that has perhaps the most recognized nebular shapes on the sky. 画面中央偏下,也就是位在参宿一右方的马头星云,由致密的黑暗尘埃组成,应当是天空中最被认可的形状。 - 3
Osiris coming was announced by Three Wise Men: the three stars Mintaka, Anilam, and Alnitak in the belt of Orion, which point directly to Osiris' star in the east, Sirius, as a sign of his birth. 奥西里斯的到来是被三个智者宣布的,即三颗星:Mintaka, Anilam, 和猎户座的参宿一带的Alnitak。 直接指向奥西里斯的明星在东部,天狼星是他出生的迹象。