沙·鲁克·罕的父亲Meer Taj Mohammed来自巴基斯坦(Pakistan)白沙瓦(Pesh...
... on提出的组合先子拓扑模型(compositepreonstopologicalmodel,TM),提出了先子呈现空间假说(preonsemergingspacehypothesis,PESH),即携带同样电荷(0电荷或±e/3电荷)的3条先子(pre-ons)从粒子中向外延伸,构建出与其他粒..
So far there has been no return fire from this side, the Pesh Murga.
CNN: Kevin Sites: Kurds see bombing on northern Iraqi positions
So those positions are being softened up possibly for a Pesh Murga attack in the coming days.
Jim stayed behind and spent six weeks with the Pesh Merga guerrillas as they defied Saddam and held his army at bay.
BBC: Middle East Correspondent Jim Muir