@ 奥菲尔德(Orfield)对这几种计算方法进行了评述,认为教育部的计算方法缺少联邦 数据报告检测,因为辍学定义多样容易导致报告缺失准确性与代表性;国...
... 所属州: MO 名字: Orfield 姓: Joe ...
奥菲尔德 ; 欧菲尔德
欧尔菲德实验室 ; 德尝试室
"They've been defeated with certain desegregation efforts, " acknowledges Harvard's Gary Orfield of the Little Rock School District.
CNN: story.marshall.jpg
The 1991 ruling came from a growing political movement in the 1980s to end forced busing, said Harvard's Gary Orfield.
CNN: story.generic.supreme.court.jpg
In the 1980s, Orfield had testified in the Little Rock consolidation case, and urged the city's school districts to merge.