释义 |
1 ?有序队列 ...(3)队列头(Head of Queue)则可使一个系统在接口内重新安排命令顺序和重新确定某些命令的优先级,和有序队列(Ordered Queue )一样,当指令到达本地以后还是会调用简单队列(Simple Queue)对其排列的指令进行矫正。 2
- 1
The run queue, which holds an ordered list of processes waiting to run, is another queue. 另一个队列是运行队列,其中包含等待运行的进程的有序列表。 - 2
Suppose, for instance, that I want the non-incremental, ordered movie queue illustrated above to expire 10 days (864,000,000 milliseconds) after it was published. 例如,假设我想要上面描述的非增量且排好序的电影队列在其发布之后10天(864,000,000毫秒)后过期。 - 3
The messages are loosely ordered in the queue; they are not really stored in the order in which they are added to the queue. 消息在队列中的次序是宽松的;它们实际上并不按照在队列中添加消息的次序存储。