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parchment 英/ ?pɑ?t?m?nt / 美/ ?pɑ?rt?m?nt / 1 [纸]?羊皮纸 羊皮纸(Parchment)是制作书本或提供书写的一种材料。最好. 2 ?绵羊 ... [amnion] 包裹胎儿的膜 [parchment] 绵羊、山羊或其他动物的皮,尤指制作用于书写的皮 [fern;bracken] 草本植物,多生长在阴湿的地方,根茎短而粗,羽状复叶,小叶披针形,孢子囊群生在叶脉的两侧。也叫绵马 ... 3 ?羊皮纸手稿 ... carapace n.(蟹或龟等的)甲壳 pachyderm n.厚皮动物,厚脸皮的人 parchment n.羊皮纸,羊皮纸手稿 scalp n.头皮,战利品v.击败 ... 4 ?帕吉门 光氛中弥漫的浪漫气息,便从精巧的镂雕孔隙中穿透出来,再现古老的“帕吉门”(parchment)的精湛工艺。
- 1
You are saying the parchment was basically recycled? - 2
So the pages, the pieces of parchment themselves, had been preserved. - 3
During the 1400s, when printing was being developed, paper became the predominant material for books in Europe, but prior to that, it was parchment. 在15世纪,印刷术得到发展,纸张成为欧洲书籍的主要材料,在此之前的主要材料是羊皮纸。