E. H. Appelman of Argonne used XeF2 in aqueous solution to prepare the first examples of perbromates, and this could have involved attack of bromate by XeO as a singletoxygen carrier.
阿尔贡实验室的E·H·哀朴曼(e . H . Appelman)在水溶液中用XeF2制备了第一个过溴酸盐样品,这可能涉及XeO对溴酸盐的攻击,XeO是单线态氧的载体。
What is killing the bacteria is clear: it is the singletoxygen. What is luring them into the microcapsules, though, is not well understood.
In this article the laser fluorescence spectra and the singletoxygen relative quantum yield of hematoporphyrin and its derivatives are deter - mined.