... peak electrode current峰值电极电流 ; 峰值电报电流 peak inverse current 反峰值电流 peak output current 峰值输出电流 ...
... peak electrode current 峰值电极电流 ; 峰值电报电流 peak inverse current 反峰值电流 peak output current 峰值输出电流 ...
... 电极电流峰值peak electrode current 反向电极电流 inverse electrode current 峰值电极电流 peak electrode current ...
The influence of the main working parameters, such as electrode material, polarity, work fluid, pulse duration, peakcurrent, is analyzed by experiments to obtain the microelectrode fabrication law.
A good linear relationship between the peakcurrent and the concentration was obtained. The polymer modified electrode has a high stability and is of value for analytical application.
POAP-Fe(CN)3-6 film has a stable redox currentpeak, a small potential drift and a good repeatability, and it can be used as a new model reference electrode.