1983年,威洛酒园加入了法国第三大葡萄酒集团宝赛世家(Boisset) 无论是壕味的最好酒还是贵味的贵族美酒,这次红酒世界带您跟它们来次亲密的接触 4月6-18日 ,点击文章末尾左下角的“ 阅读原文 ...
博瓦塞 ; 波塞特 ; 让
The new plastic bottle is about being green, says Patrick Egan, a Boisset brand manager.
FORBES: Magazine Article
The French Rabbit wines are produced and packaged by French wine company Boisset Family Estates.
FORBES: Pinot Plastic
Boisset introduced to North America in late 2005 a 1-liter paperboard carton of higher-quality wine called French Rabbit.