n. 书商;售书员
...hilippe Remond)为大胆提议和捍卫这些慷慨的和有意识的解决方案,付出高昂的代价:使西方移居者不悦,” 布瓦瑟利耶(Boisselier)总结道。
朱利安·波义塞利尔 ; 朱利安·布瓦瑟利耶 ; 波义塞利尔
Boisselier said that, although she disagrees, she is reluctant to challenge the agency in court.
CNN: 'Raelian' biochemist insists she will clone human
Boisselier, a French biochemist, said she hopes to clone a human being within a year.
CNN: Group says it will move human cloning work offshore
Boisselier said 50 members of the movement have volunteered to carry the clone of a dead 10-month-old boy.
CNN: Health - House members open hearings on human cloning