释义 |
nitrobacteria 英/ ?na?tr??b?k?t??ri? / 美/ ?na?tro?b?k?t?ri? / - 1
环境科学技术 硝化细菌 The order of soil microorganisms being sensitive to heavy metal pollution was actinomycetes>bacteria>fungus, and nitrobacteria > azotobacteria > ammonifying bacteria > phosphbacteria > cellulose decomposing bacteria.2. 东南景天根际微生物对重金属胁迫的敏感性为放线菌>细菌>真菌,硝化细菌>自生固氮菌>氨化细菌>磷细菌>纤维分解菌。 硝化菌 Using ammonium chloride as the sole nitrogen source, three strains of halophilic heterotrophic nitrobacteria gs1, gs2 and gs3 were separated from the matured activated sludge. 本文在实验室已经驯化成熟的耐盐活性污泥基础上,采用氯化铵作为唯一氮源的异养硝化培养基,进行嗜盐异养硝化菌的富集、分离和筛选,获得三株既能耐受高盐度、又能高效降解氨氮的异养硝化菌gsl、gs2和gs3。
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Purpose: Studies the removal effect on ammonia nitrogen, nitrous acid nitrogen, CODMn and turbidity during immobilized nitrobacterias pilot experiment, and provide reference for the actual project. 目的分别研究小试中试条件下固化硝化菌对氨氮的去除效果及相关参数的选择,为实际工程提供参考。