释义 |
1 ?物理块 ... 规定了完成IP的物理I/O端口和内部逻辑门之间的外围互连的RC。 物理块physical blocks 功耗模型power model ... 2 ?体块 ... 迷失在丛林中 ? Lost in the jungle 体块 ? Physical block 这是我们值得炫耀的事, ? This is our thing to show off, ... 3 ?到物理块 ...令,进行相应的处理; ④ 提供闪盘基本信息,如扇区大小、簇大小、闪盘容量等; ⑤ 逻辑簇(logical cluster)到物理块(physical block)的转换; ⑥ 物理块的读/写/更新,其中许多的软件功能是与闪存的操作相关的。 4 ?实体块 ... 实体连结 physical binding 实体块 physical block 实体块号码 physical block number,PBN ...
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In practice, however, the physical block size information is spurious, at least for the first generation of Western Digital Advanced format drives. 但是在实践中,物理块大小信息是假的,至少对于第一代Western Digital Advanced Format驱动是这样的。 - 2
The block storage layout maps the file blocks to physical storage blocks. - 3
If the page is unmodified, the page replacement daemon can simply mark the physical memory block as free, and the physical memory block can then be re-used for another page. 如果该分页没有经过修改,那么分页替换守护进程可以简单地将物理内存块标记为空闲,这样一来,就可以将该物理内存块重用于另一个分页。