释义 |
performance appraisal interview 1 ?绩效评估面谈 ... 绩效评估原则 performance appraisal principle 绩效评估面谈 performance appraisal interview 财务与绩效评估 Finance and Measurements ... 2 ?工作绩效评价面谈 ... self-appraisal 自我评估(或评价) performance appraisal interview 工作绩效评价面谈 project appraisal 项目评估 ...
- 1
The performance appraisal system has several procedures, namely major job, appraisal criterion, appraisal interview, performance improvement plans, training plans and salary administration. 该体系应包括工作要项、评估标准、评估面谈、绩效改进计划、培训计划及薪资安排等程序。 - 2
Through semistructured interview, finding out the status and the problems of employee motivation and performance appraisal in the company. 通过访谈法进行调查研究,具体掌握企业的员工激励、绩效考核的近况及存在不足。 - 3
Present methods of talent appraisal, such as standard test, structured interview, scene simulation, performance assessment and etc, can not solve the talent appraisal problem roundly and perfectly. 已有的人才评价方法,如标准化测试、结构化面试、情景模拟、业绩考核等方法都不能全面、完整地解决人才评价问题。