最近Kriegs et al(2007)认为山鹑和锦鸡是近缘类群。线粒体DNA控制区基因数据表明斑翅山鹑和灰山鹑(Perdix perdix)单独聚成一支A,可见山鹑不属于鹑类,而可能是雉科鸟类的祖先类群。
While serving as his uncle's apprentice, Perdix was inspired by the ridges on the backbone of a fish, and invented the handy cutting tool.
FORBES: No. 10 The Saw
According to an ancient Greek legend, the first saw was made by a boy named Perdix, who was nephew of the famous inventor Daedalus.
Despite the myth, saws probably were known well before Perdix's time.